American Snippets

Former CIA Officer Ron Hammond Pushes Back Against Far Left Censorship with New Patriotic Platform



Ron Hammond is a former CIA Operations Officer and US Army Guard Officer. He has over 28 years in the Intelligence Community where he focused on the Middle East and South Asia, more specifically on combating terrorism and stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Ron maintained professional involvement in the Defense Industry over the years, developing cutting edge technology and running related businesses. Today he is fully invested in his solution to censorship, the attack on free speech, and access to full and truthful news. His solution is in the form of a new platform operated by and featuring himself and numerous other highly qualified professionals from various areas of military, government, or first responder communities. OpsLens is emerging as an innovative and interactive platform at the forefront of patriotism and current events.In this episode, Ron Hammond talks about the personal and professional side of life as a CIA Officer, his work in the Defense Industry, and how OpsLens is