American Snippets

There Is No Justification For Censoring Or Policing Political Speech



Marine Corps veteran Eric Post has been in the thick of chaos since the first riots began in Portland Oregon. He's a Portland resident and business owner who gives back to his community he and his family love being a part of. When the riots first began, Eric took to the streets in an attempt to broker peace. He spoke with people from all walks of life, from both sides of this divide: police officers, BLM members, rioters, peaceful protestors, and others who are directly impacted by the riots or directly involved in them. His goal is to uncover the humanity beneath it all.Eric and his team were in DC to document the rally. They were at the Capitol building and captured footage of citizens pushing back against those who eventually entered the building. He and his crew have been tear gassed, pepper sprayed, flash-banged, and shot with rubber bullets as they filmed these incidents. In this episode of American Snippets, we loaned our platform to Eric and his crew moments after he discovered Facebook banned him fro