Entre Cómics

Entre Cómics 274



- Event Leviathan #1 (de 6). Brian Michael Bendis (W), Alex Maleev (A). (DC). - Silver Surfer Black #1 (de 5). Donny Cates (W), Tradd Moore (A), Dave Stewart (C). (Marvel). - Sonata #1. David Hine y Brian Haberlin (W), Brian Haberlin (A), Geirrod Van Dyke (C). (Image). - The Ride - Burning Desire #1 (de 5). Doug Wagner (W), Daniel Hillyard y Adam Hughes (A), Laura Martin y Adam Hughes (C). (Image). - Batman and the Outsiders #2. Bryan Hill (W), Dexter Soy (A), Veronica Gandini (C). (DC). - Gogor #2. Ken Garing. (Image). Los Irresistibles [01:02:38]: Champions #6, Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man #7, Invaders #6, Spider-Man Life Story #4 (de 6), The Immortal Hulk #19, Vader Dark Visions #5 (final), Venom #15.