Pace Radio Show

PACE Radio LIVE with KIm Cooper, Guest Kelly & Josh from Dragonfly Earth and Joint Host Julie Chiariello



This week on PACE Our host Al Graham is on Vacation, so Kim Cooper is sitting in for him. April 10th 2019 Kim will be joined by Joint Host Julie Chiariello, who has brought us 2 guests with an interesting, health conscious venture! Kelly & Josh from Dragonfly Earth, who has created the Highest antioxidant drink on the market today!They have blended raw cocoa, medicinal mushrooms and other adaptogenic herbs to create this new wholistic drink. Dragonfly farm is family owned farm dedicated to the regeneration & health of the earth and it’s human population. Vitality of water, soil, plants, humans, mycology, & cellular renewal has been their focus for over 20 years. Surrounded by glaciers, mountain peaks, forests, a healthy ecosystem, in a vibrant northern life, gives them the inspiration they need to keep things natural. Instead of importing chemical nutrients, they use their soil, & a tea. They fill over 850 gallons in tanks that is gravity fed, this feeds all of the gardens. Tea brewing & u