Avita Health System's Show

Episode 002- Better Speech and Hearing Month



Here it is! It’s our second episode of On Air with Avita! This episode is special because it is Better Speech and Hearing Month so we sat down with Audiologist, Heather Vaught, Au.D, and Speech Language Pathologist (Speech Therapist), Maddie Ellis. We learned a lot on infant language development, hearing aids, hearing loss, speech and swallowing disorders, and more! EPISODE SEGMENTS:00:40 – Better Speech and Hearing Month 2:50 – Early intervention for hearing loss4:55 – Working with infants and language development7:50 – Hearing aids 11:38 – Behind the ear vs in-ear hearing aids13:23 – The difference between hearing aids and personal sound amplifiers16:34 – The relationship between hearing and speech18:04 – Signs and symptoms of stroke and speech 20:30 – Scope of practice for speech language pathologists22:33 – Types of swallowing evaluations27:15 – Hearing loss prevention32:20 – Signs and symptoms of hearing, speech, or swallowing disorders37:18 – How to become a Speech Language PathologistAre we not on you