Hope Through Knowledge With Zoë A. Lewis, M.d., Talk Radio For Caregivers

30 minutes with author Harriet Tramer & topic of caregiving



Harriet Tramer is interviewed on this program. She is the  author of Rounding the Circle of Love. Harriet's book, Rounding the Circle of Love,  shares her first hand experience of keeping a loved one at home with dementia and the essentials of caring for them.  Her book offers a good mix of these personal experiences and other  resources and options for those needing help with caring for a family member with dementia. It not only presents “guidelines” from “experts” in their fields but also practical advice from people who have served as caregivers.http://www.amazon.com/Rounding-Circle-Love-Harriet-Tramer/dp/1889409502/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1335790418&sr=1-1 I will also be discussing with Harriet the very same topics covered in my books on dementia and Alzhiemers Disease and caregiving, "I hope they know," in English and Spanish, and we will make this an important program for caregivers of a person with dementia, tackling the most difficult questions.http://www.amazon.com/Hope-They-Kno