Christ Church Bartlett

The Christmas Star and the Sign of Immanuel



The Christmas Star and the Sign of Immanuel • From the beginning, God created the heavenly bodies to serve as prophetic signs. [Genesis 1:14-15] • The magi were Gentile astrologers who were looking for the King of the Jews. [Matthew 2:1-4] • The star of Bethlehem most likely involved both natural and supernatural phenomena around the time of Jesus’ birth. [Matthew 2:1-23] • There certainly was an astronomical connection to the prophetic sign of the virgin birth. [Genesis 3:15, Matthew 1:20-25, Revelation 12:1-6] • Cosmic signs will also accompany the second coming of Jesus and the Day of the LORD. [Matthew 24:27-31] • Most importantly, we have been saved to shine like the stars forever — Amen! [Matthew 5:16] As We Go … May we seek the Son of God more diligently than the magi and may we shine bright as the stars against the ever darkening days ahead before the Lord returns!