Kitty Talks

Your 5d activation mediation and visualisation - Aloise Surfleet-Middleton



Watch back the replay of the amazing masterclass that took place as the finale of this years Follow Your Highest Excitement Challenge. Have you ever been held in a safe energetic bubble whilst you meditate?Your chakras will be opened, balanced and polished. I will be activating light codes from the 5th dimension, connecting you to source and you higher self, taking you into your 5D future. We are powerful human creators who can be anything, do anything we focus our energy on. This live activation will remind you how powerful you are. You’ll learn:1. What Dharma is and why it’s the key to the life you want.2. How to unlearn and re-learn what is possible.3. The Laws of the Universe will be uncovered.You're SO ready dream bigger and really find out what you’re passionate about but not doing.I know you'll LOVE this recording and you'll be buzzing from the amazing energy!⚡️Discover more in the academy. Find out more at See for privacy and opt-out informati