Ste Davies' Digital Influence Podcast

The rise of intangible digital assets



Speak with any finance expert and they'll tell you the key to long-term wealth is asset accumulation. This is for two reasons. First, assets earn you money while you sleep and, second, they usually appreciate the longer you hold on to them. A house will be worth more in twenty years than it is today if past performance is anything to go by. Likewise, a bar of gold will be too. Our finance expert should also tell you to invest in assets that pay you income, like a business, rental property or a dividend stock. Owning an income-paying asset usually requires an upfront investment. To own a piece of a business you either need capital to buy into it or time and sweat equity to build it. Likewise, owning rental property requires either a large cash lump sum or a long-term mortgage. In other words, acquiring physical assets requires time, effort and/or capital. Intangible digital assets are a new investing opportunity We're in a period of accelerated change and are deeply entrenched in the