Dr. Kelly Neff

The Mastery of Self: Reclaiming Your Authentic Self with Don Miguel Ruiz Jr



The ancient Toltecs believed that life, as we perceive it, is a dream. We each live in our Personal Dream, and these come together to form the Dream of the Planet, or the world in which we live. But, problems arise when our perception of the Dream becomes clouded with negativity, drama and judgement (of ourselves and others) because it's in these moments of suffering that we have forgotten that we are the architects of our own reality and we hae the power to change our Dream is we choose. This week, Dr. Kelly interviews bestselling author and teacher don Miguel Ruiz Jr about his new book, Mastery of Self, which takes the Toltec philosophy of the Dream of the Planet and offers you a road map to reclaiming your Authentic Self. We will discuss how the tools of awareness, understanding and unconditional love can free you from any inhibiting beliefs, stories or ideas that are keeping you from living the best life possible. We will discuss how to discover who you are the deepest level, which often lies just beyo