Dr. Kelly Neff

Bringing Peace to the Park: Creating Social Gatherings To Experience Joy with Jay Chodagam



In this world filled with so much conflict, distrust fear and disconnection, it is easy to forget what it feels like to be comfortable and positive in public space with our fellow human brothers and sisters.This week, we will discuss Jay Chodagam's work on Peace in the Park in San Francisco. Peace in the Park Lets you explore a variety of ways to unplug and unwind while living in a fast-paced urban environment. It's an opportunity to find yourself, feel good and engage with our beautiful community in a fun, inspiring and healthy atmosphere. This free festival will feature world music, dances, tai-chi, hatha yoga, life-enchancing seminars, kids activities, peace exhibits, and meditation experiences in the exquisite Golden Gate Park Music Concourse in San Francisco.While getting his masters degree in Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, Jay came to the realization that a life of fulfillment trumps a life of achievement. Since then, he has been a proponent of meditation training and being before doi