Dr. Kelly Neff

Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse with Author Kevin Hancock



This week, Kevin Hancock shares his incredible story that brought him to find himself at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. As the national housing market collapsed, and home sales in Maine plummeted by 66%, Kevin struggled to help his company adapt, adjust and survive. The future of one of Americas oldest family businesses, and its 450 employees hung in the balance.Then, things got worse. In April of 2008, Hancock lost his voice; his sentences became weak, broken and difficult to hear. Any effort to speak left the companys once vocal leader feeling sore, dizzy, out of breath, and not wanting to say much. Hancock would soon learn that he had acquired spasmodic dysphonia, a rare neurological voice condition for which there is no known cause or cure. As he struggled with the inability to consistently use his normal speaking voice, Hancock worked tirelessly to help guide the company back to strong financial footing as the economy sputtered into recovery. In 2012, compelled by an astrological reading an