Dr. Kelly Neff

Festival Culture: The Lucidity Finale, Eudamonia and Beyond



The Lucidity Festival, nestled in the hills above Santa Barbara, CA, is stepping into the 6th year of its 6-year story, signifying a finale of sorts, and the conclusion of one cycle. Eudaimonia, this year's theme, is loosely translated as "human flourishing and having a good indwelling spirit", and it most certainly represents Lucidity's optimistic look to the future. While the future of the festival beyond this year is unwritten, we do know that the Lucid University, a transformational education platform that was incubated within Lucidity Festival, is poised to blossom as it grounds a campus and permanent home on a community-purchased property called Trillium in Southern Oregon. Jonah Gabriel Haas is a messenger, a cultural anthropologist, a lucid dreamer, and an entrepreneur. After completing a double BS in Marketing and Anthropology from the University of Maryland, College Park, he went on to earn an MA in Cultural Anthropology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. During this time he focused