Twiniversity Podcast With Natalie Diaz

Breastfeeding Twins? Should You? Can You? We can help you!



Got milk? Today's topic goes WAY beyond the basics of breastfeeding. We'll be talking about building up a supply, what's a tongue tie and how do we fix it, why is breast REALLY best? Today we dig into some tough and fascinating topics all around twins breastfeeding. Judy Teibloom-Mishkin, our guest today is an IBCLC with Chicago's amazing group Lactation Partners. With over two decades of twins breastfeeding experience, Judy has not only seen it all, but she knows how to handle the challenging struggles that come along with breastfeeding two. She's also so inspiring and motivating that you'll happily continue your breastfeeding twins journey with your head full of why it's the best thing to do for your twinnies. Judy Teibloom-Mishkin, RN, IBCLC, has been professionally committed to supporting new families for 29 years. She currently works in private practice as a lactation consultant, and has done so for the last 25 years. Her mission is to nurture mothers and fathers as they transition into their new role