Wilde About Wellbeing

If You Die Tomorrow, Will You Have Regrets? Live Like You're Dying - Because We All Are



If You Die Tomorrow, Will You Have Regrets?  So it’s a macabre question, I know, but will you? I’m pretty sure your answer will be “yes”. Mine was too, love. You see, we get so busy with LIVING that we let ourselves FORGET that we’re dying. And what happens then? We stop prioritising things - we let our lives fill with busy-ness that doesn’t serve us.   Think about terminally ill people who compile a bucket list. The only reason they NEED a bucket list is because they didn’t remember they were dying, until someone told them. If they had remembered they were dying every day of their lives, they’d have had no regrets. There would be no bucket list because they’d have fulfilled all those dreams and wishes.   I know it’s SCARY to look death in the face. But it is the greatest TEACHER we could ever ask for. The guillotine is falling as soon as we’re CONCEIVED, before we’re even born. And yet we refuse to talk about death, like we’re somehow going to outrun it by doing so.   When my mother-in-law was terminal, no o