Alan Wallace Live From Phuket!

[Bonus] The Whole Shamatha Story in one Session



In this short and sweet sunday bonus, we synthesized the three main methods of Shamatha into one practice. There is an extremely short introduction and then the practice.A great way to combine these different meditative variations!Enjoy as we did!I would also like to let you know that after receiving several emails offering donations, I added some links to donate to the Santa Barbara Institute for Conciousness Studies to help fund future podcasts. For those viewing this on the web click on the big arrow to see the subsite, and for those viewing this in iTunes go here: of the profits will go to ensure that they can keep running podcasts in the future when I am not around. So don't worry, I don't want to make any money from you (and neither do they!)The photo is of the very photogenic Sombrero Galaxy. That glow in the middle is composed of billions of stars.Credit:Image Credit: NASA/Hubble Heritage Team