Take It or Leave It

Episode 01: Church Facebook Marketing



SOCIAL MEDIA. It plays a huge role in our daily lives. It dictates trends, can sway elections, mold our opinions, ruin our testimony or build our reputation all within it's interconnected platform. As of May 2019 there are just under 3.5 billion active social media users. On average, people tend to have 7 social media accounts. One of the most staggering stats on social media is that from April 2018-April 2019 Social media users grew by 202 million users —that works out to a new social media user/account is established every 6.4 seconds. If you are not using social media to grow your message and influence you are missing the mark. It is where the people (customer or church attendee) are living...to be influential in our marketing strategy we must go to where the people are. JACOB SCHMELZER, our episode guest, provides helpful insight and offers a great resource to churches looking to navigate the power of Facebook marketing. Visit Jake's website for more information on his Church Facebook Marketing Master Cl