Take It or Leave It

True Identity + Being Authentic + Elephants with James Graves



As designers, we tend to find our identity in our work. When our work is criticized, we take it personally. If we are not included in a certain skill class, we get offended. Art and design is personal, but as Christian creatives, we shouldn't find our sole purpose and identity in design. Our talk with James Graves highlights how he discovered his identity was in things that could be taken away rather than his relationship with Jesus...which can never be dissolved. We talk with James about everything from freelance, to working at several secular design agencies, to working on a church creative team. The pros, the cons, the ups and the downs, James shares how God continues to work on designing him to be more like Christ in all that he does. James Graves goes by the handle @visiualjams and uses his talents to inspire, encourage, and uplift those around him. He also gives us some insight into elephants—be sure to listen to the whole episode to find out what that insight is!CONNECT WITH JAMES:INSTAGRAMDRIBBBLEBEHA