Bindaz Bol With Arpita Bhatt

BA48 - Bindaz Bol with Jay Shah about a Lamb advertisement



In conversation with a Hindu Community Volunteer "Jay Shah". Jay ji says, as we all know that the recent advertisement of meat and livestock Australia had a very disturbing portrayal of Our God Ganesha, it has outraged and angered the entire Hindu community. A lot of organizations have come together on this and have raised the issues with various authorities. We have been in touch with many such organizations and are working with them to get this advertisement removed asap and demand an unconditional apology. Below are some of the actions that have happened which we would like to bring to your notice:-1. Hindu Council of Australia(HCA) has raised this issue at national level with Australian Partnership of Religious Organisation(APRO) which is a national level peak of the peak body comprising of representatives of major faith bodies and multicultural communities2. HCA has also raised the issue with Multicultural Department of Premier in Victoria3. Hon Michell Rowland, Federal MP from NSW has con