Recitation Of Holy Quran With Urdu Translation

81. Sura at-Takwir with Urdu Translation



Sura 81. at-Takwir (Shrouding in darkness): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. When the sun will be folded up and extinguished, 2. And the stars will fall (from their galaxies), 3. And when the mountains, (after having changed into dust,) will be set in motion (into atmosphere), 4. And when the she-camels heavy with young will be left neglected and discarded (i.e. no one will tend them), 5. And when (fear-stricken) wild beasts will be herded together, 6. When (all) oceans and rivers will be made to rise and swell, 7. And when souls will be united (with their bodies), 8. And when the infant girl buried alive will be asked, 9. For what crime was she slain? 10. And when the records of deeds will be laid open, 11. And when the layers of heaven will be torn asunder and moved away from their places, 12. And when (the Fire of) Hell will be burnt ablaze, 13. And when Paradise will be brought up close, 14. Everyone will come to know what he has brought forth. 15.