Major Crush

S3//EP8: The Brewer Clifton Interview



The Santa Barbara County Road Trip starts off with a huge win when we spent time with the one-and-only Greg Brewer of Brewer Clifton Wines. If you've been a fan of our show, then you already know that our absolute motto is this: wine connects people. And so when we met with Greg Brewer, of Brewer Clifton Wines, it shouldn't have surprised us to feel so drawn into his world, but somehow, it did! His ability to tell a story that carries you forward into a true understanding of his wines and the Santa Barbara County growing region is profound, and we feel so thankful we can share a bit of this experience with you in the podcast. Everything about this podcast is delicious -- from the stories to the four incredible wines he shared with us! So we hope you enjoy! To access any of the wines we experienced in this episode, or to learn more about Brewer Clifton Wines, check out their website: CONTACT US: If you have questions or comments for Meredith and Lou, and you're listening on the A