Lean Blog Interviews

Matthew E. May, "The Shibumi Strategy"



In my latest Video Podcast (here as audio podcast #103), my guest is Matthew E. May, returning to talk about his latest book, a business fable called The Shibumi Strategy: A Powerful Way to Create Meaningful Change. I’ve been reading the book and have found it be a thought-provoking about your own personal effectiveness in a complex world. You can read more about the book at Matt’s website: www.ShibumiStrategy.com. Some of the topics we discuss include: ▪ What is “Shibumi” and where does the term come from? ▪ What’s the context for lean practitioners or students of Lean and TPS? ▪ Did you reach a point of Shibumi while writing this book or in your other work? ▪ Any particular reason you chose a car dealership as the job and the setting? Is it because it’s stereotypically a very numbers-driven “get it done” setting? To point others to this, use the simple URL: www.leanblog.org/103. You can also watch video of our discussion at www.leanblog.org/v12 . For earlier episodes, visit the main Podcast page at www.lean