Lean Blog Interviews

Rick Morrow, Healthcare Process Improvement



My guest for episode #154 is Rick Morrow, a director at Healthcare Performance Partners and author of the book Utilizing the 3Ms of Process Improvement in Healthcare: A Roadmap to High Reliability Using Lean, Six Sigma, and Change Leadership, from Productivity Press (which is my publisher, as well). We talk about the book as well as a favorite issue of mine - why we shouldn't ask patients to inspect the work of healthcare providers. You can learn more about the book and interact with Rick at his website:http://www.rpmexec.com/ This podcast episode is brought to you by Creative Safety Supply, Leaders in Visual Safety, floor marking,label printing and more. Visit their website at www.creativesafetysupply.com/leanpodcast/ for a special listener discount. To point others to this, use the simple URL: www.leanblog.org/154. You can find links to posts related to this podcast there, as well. Please leave a comment and join the discussion about the podcast episode. For earlier episodes of the Lean Blog Podcast, visit