Clumsy Girls Guide To Greatness With ~ Carol Glover

The Sweet & Sour of Surrender with Guest Esther Bartkiw



Surrendering to a situation or to the Universe is sometimes a sweet and sometimes a sour concept. How do you surrender to something that you so desperately want or want to change? Does surrender mean you get to sit like a lump on the couch and do nothing? Is it giving up caring about that thing that you want so passionately? This is something we all struggle with from time to time; our Being parts love it but our Doing parts usually resist it. Join Carol with her guest Esther Bartkiw as they open some conscious awareness and other perspectives about surrendering as a way to be present in your life journey and actualizing your desires. Esther is a Facilitator of Change, Transformation and Consciousness. She is a Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering and Energy Vortex Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed. Esther works with people around the globe helping them to awaken to release limitations, blocks and fear, open to all possibilities and awake to the Divine Love True Self. She is a featured gu