

You're diligently "doing your inner work." You're being your "most authentic self." You may have even chosen a new career "doing what you love." Life should be blissful now; money should be dropping into your pockets while you sleep, and your relationships should suddenly resolve. Right? Or are you just feeling like a different kind of fake? I bet you are thinking you're doing "it" wrong. I bet you're back to judging yourself because your life doesn't look like what you thought it would now that you're all "enlightened" and stuff. Do you feel like you've been tricked? YOU HAVE BEEN TRICKED! Now, make it work to your advantage. What if all of this meant that you were right on track and with a few simple tools you could really embrace and enjoy all of your life - even the sticky bits? Join me this week as we embrace the irony and get on with creating what you've really desired all along.