Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

Here We Go A Gallumping! ~ Dr. Andi’s World



Dr. Andi's World Radio Show Wondering what the hek “gallumping” is?  It’s when you throw a whole bunch of stuff together; you are gallumping things together.  This week, we are looking at how we gallump things together with our questions, and how that could create more confusion rather than clarity.  Are you asking specific questions? Or are you going gallumping instead? ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator. She is the owner and operator of a thriving practice, Animal Magic Care, based in Golden, CO. With a global animal communication/facilitation  business, Dr. Andi inspires her clients to create magic in their life and with their animals. Join Dr. Andi's World Free Membership, here - ht