Luscious Leadership ~ With Danna Lewis

From Skills to Strengths, Leveraging Yourself to Create Greater ~ Danna Lewis



Luscious Leadership with Danna Lewis Radio Show As an International Speaker - Gallup Certified Strengths Coach - EQ Interaction Coach, Ginger Reid leads Executives, High Potentials, Teams and Millennials to UP Level Success. As a result of focused intentions around strengths-based interactions, leaders experience increased engagement and higher levels of performance throughout their culture. As untapped potential rises to the surface, LEADERS, TEAMS, HiPos and MILLENNIALS elevate their impact within the culture and positively affect bottom line profitability. The purpose of STRENGTHS culture is to reveal inactive potential within individuals, executives, managers and teams, while ascertaining the most productive path for achieving unprecedented levels of success. Extrapolate existing potential, strengths and success strategies through coaching to up level performance. Accelerate Human Innovation by interrupting destructive patterns, unproductive habits, negative talk, and in-congruent culture and teams. Ginge