Luscious Leadership ~ With Danna Lewis

Free Your Fraud- Tools to Implode Impostor Syndrome ~ Danna Lewis



Luscious Leadership with Danna Lewis Radio Show We’ve all had moments where we’ve felt like we don’t belong and even more intensely, felt like we were impostors. Maybe it was at work or maybe it was in being a parent or spouse. And for how many of us were we ever 'found out'? Maybe you're there now or have been before, what else is possible to embrace who we are with confidence? Let's get real and talk about what it is, what it isn't and what we can all do to embrace our authenticity and cultivate a culture where people are acknowledged and exploited for the gifts and capacities they be! ~ More About Luscious Leadership with Danna Lewis ~ Are you feeling fantastic or frustrated with your days? Are you living your life based on other people’s paths, projections or expectations? What if instead of showing up with a rebellion, resistance, reaction or ‘whatever’ attitude you could lead yourself lusciously with deeper presence, strategic awareness and courageous kindness to create your entire work-life spectrum as