Nonprofit Jenni Show

Keep Your Staff and Board Engaged with an Inclusive Culture



Many nonprofit leaders are (fortunately) revisiting or creating new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategies as a result of systemic inequities that have been revealed by COVID-19 and #BlackLivesMatter. A huge part of an effective DEI strategy is developing an inclusive, supportive culture among your staff and board. This week on the Nonprofit Jenni Show, nonprofit executive Brenda Jimenez joins us (for the second time!) to offer her advice for hiring and retaining awesome team members. We also talk about how to attract the right type of candidates so you don’t make a bad hire, and how to promote diversity within your team. We mentioned several resources in this episode, including:--The June 12 podcast episode featuring Brenda Jimenez called “Tips for Pro Bono Relationships”, which you can find on your podcast platform under the Nonprofit Jenni Show--The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance’s Cost-of-Turnover Calculator, which you can use for free at --Mentor New