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Ep 58: Productivity Guilt during Quarantine + the Idealization of Time



I feel I should be getting more done during this time. Sound familiar? I feel I should be more productive, creative, rested. The “should’s” are piling up during this time and rather than simply swatting them away with a “show yourself more grace,” I think we have a powerful opportunity to ask why. What would happen if we did not, in fact, do these things on the “should list”? And deepest of all, have we made time the enemy all these years… only to realize the enemy is actually within ourselves? If we don’t do ____ while we have more time (for those of us who do right now) what does that say about us in the long-run? Would LOVE to hear your thoughts over on Instagram @HilaryRushford and be so honored if you would screenshot this episode to share. Want to share even more? Send me a voice memo at to inspire a future episode. And don’t forget, if you’re curious about starting, scaling or pivoting any sort of side income, product, or business be first to hear about my brand new course rig