Be You Parenting With Mary Dravis-parrish

Inherited Points of View- Keep or Toss? ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish



Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Most of our points of view have been inherited and passed down generation after generation. How have these inherited opinions, thoughts and perspectives affected your life? Do all of them make your life better? Which ones are you holding onto that are making your life miserable and limited? Which points of view are you passing onto your children? How will those affect their future? Being an empowered parent means you become aware of what you pass onto your beloved children and stop projecting points of view that limit them and you. Join this episode as we look at those inherited points of view that are no longer serving you or your children and choose what to keep and what to toss out. Mary’s Book: Empowered Parents Empowering Kids Purchase on Barnes&Noble   Access Shop ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect a