Kenneth Choo | Mother Industrialist On-the-go

How Pursuing Your Interests Can Change Your Family Lives | EP039



In this episode, I chat with Pearline who is an entrepreneur, founder of Baby Slings And Carriers, Baby Gates N Safety, SmartRetract, Reusable Face Masks & a Mother Octopus (that is what she call herself) of 3 beautiful children where we talk about "How Pursuing Your Interests Can Change Your Family Lives."  Having fitted over 10,000 parents & babies over a span of 11 years of baby carrier fitting and Babywearing Education experience, Pearline is a pro at helping parents find the right ergonomic baby sling, wrap or carrier for their babies. Not one to rest on her laurels when it comes to babywearing education, she has also trained with the Babywearing School of Australia and is also a Certified Babywearing Consultant with Die Trageschule, Dresden in Germany.  Recognizing that every family and baby's needs are unique, she is passionate about helping parents navigate through the sometimes confusing babywearing world while finding the right solution for their preferences and needs. Apart from d