Kenneth Choo | Mother Industrialist On-the-go

How To Go From Living In Fear To A Awakening With Courage | EP041



In this episode, I chat with Lilian Ong is an author and courage coach where we will be talking about "How To Go From Living In Fear To A Awakening With Courage". She is also a mother of two teenagers and married for more than 25 years & still counting! She was a stay-at-home turned entrepreneur and now author of her book Women of Courage, Breaking the Fear Barrier.  For many years, Lilian struggled with Self-doubt and Fear; battled with Depression, Body Image issue and was suicidal. In time, she learned how to harness her inner strength and is now living a life of courage, purpose and freedom – inspiring and empowering women to go from living in fear to awakening with Courage and live out their dreams! Lilian wants to be a role model for her children and to her, the best way to teach them 'Courage' is to show them by living out her own dream! Lilian is a woman of many ventures!  She is the Founder of the social enterprise, Class Living, and Connecting Mothers Support Group. An ambassador for Si