Alice In Muggleland

Chapter 5: Alice is Okay with Disappointing People



Chamber of Secrets Chapter 5: The Whomping Willow. Alice and Billius talk about the controlled chaos of the Weasley family, Treacle, killer trees, comedy tropes, and not being mad just being disappointed and being disappointed. Billius tries to explain to Alice (who is a Gryffindor) how Gryffindors are perceived as reckless and she tries to insult him by calling him a Hufflepuff (He's Horned Serpent thank you very much!). 2 bonus clips from the recording were dropped onto Patreon for our patreon subscribers, and this episode was sent to Patreon waaaay early so if you want early episodes you will get them waaaaaay early via Patreon at On Patreon they will be put out at least 24 hours before everyone else gets them no matter when they go out.We want questions for Books 1 and 2 or any questions for Alice or Billius or the Podcast itself!You can email us at aliceinmugglelandpodcast@gmail.comWe are also on (and probably more active) on facebook at https://www.facebook.