Alice In Muggleland

Chapter 11: The Sword, The Stone, and the Filibuster Bourbon



Alice and Billius talk about Chapter 11, The Dueling Club. They talk about Alice's trip the Filibuster Distillery (turns out they are known for beverages in the NoMaj world). Alice talks about the dual in the 1963 Disney movie The Sword and the Stone, plus all the other shenanigans that ensue in The Chamber of Secrets.Help us out at and you get bonus clips from the show (this show having one bonus clip) along with early access. Patreon access for today's outtakes was free because it is Black Friday when this was posted and it gave almost 10 minutes of additional footage!We want questions for Books 1 and 2 or any questions for Alice or Billius or the Podcast itself! You can email us at aliceinmugglelandpodcast@gmail.comWe are also on (and probably more active) on facebook at and on twitter @AinMugglelandPlease like, subscribe, rate, review us on your podcast platforms of choice. We do look at them. We see your feedback.Support