Coastline Church - Ps. Aaron Jayne

Running With The Horses Part 1



This week, Pastor Chris talked about how the difficult days we are experiencing may be an indication of the end times. While we can be confident that the tribulation hasn’t started, we can clearly see that the spirit of the antichrist is here. The four horses described in Revelation 6:2-8 reveal the spirits we are encountering in the world today. The white horse represents the spirit of disruption and deception. The red horse represents the spirit of fear and violence. The black horse represents the spirit of economic collapse. The pale horse represents the spirit of disease and death. It’s important for us as believers to recognize these spirits so we will not be outrun or defeated by them. 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5 provide us with an end-times “checklist” to live by so that now, more than ever, we can “run with the horses.”