Take Flight With FreeByrd

Love is infinite, when you let it be!



You hear this all the time, but probably don't think it means much. You probably think, "yeah, yeah, okay, we say this, but does it really make a difference?" What am I talking about? I'm talking about "LOVE IS ENOUGH". "Love" doesn't sign acts and laws, love doesn't make problems go away, love doesn't put money in the hands that need it the most, love doesn't make my dreams come true, love isn't tangible. BUT... LOVE is the driving factor that makes everything happen! LOVE (following my heart and passion for humans) brought me together with these two beautiful girls among many others who are a part of the amazing community DOVE MISSIONS. These girls took me in like one of their own and showed me their world. They braided my hair, did my lipstick and walked me around like I was their sister and BFF