Business Unusual With Barbara Corcoran

80: Andy Khubani: Finding Your Superstar Traits



Today's guest, Andy Khubani, is a big deal. Sure, he's the Founder & CEO of IdeaVillage, and the "As Seen on TV" brand, but, more importantly, he's been a dear friend for many years. Over the course of our friendship, Andy has taught me some of the secret superstar traits that he uses to great success, and he’s revealing it all on this very episode! In addition to that, we discuss common sense 101, conflicting work culture and the mindset that positively influences your success. Get in on all the action and listen in! Got a question for me? Call me at 888-BARBARA or tweet me @barbaracorcoran and I just might answer on a future episode - or even call you up to discuss live. Subscribe to Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.  This episode of Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran is presented by OnDeck Business Loans (