Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep22 - The Late Night Powwow



Join Rocco, Moonlight Mike, Jurassic Jen, and Tish the Dish for a "Late Night Powwow" of the Ages. The cast continues their discussion from last week's episode. No commercial breaks. No Sponsor mentions. Just "Straight Talk". They dive right into "Rocco's World", aka "The Friend Zone". Rocco puts his 2 cents in about shady online dating Apps, and calls out Jen and Tish on a few things. In this episode we talk about everything from Pokemon to the Summer Olympics. To be honest, this entire show was a blur! ***Have a listen and tell us what you think by sending us a message at latenightwithrocco@gmail.com or... ... on our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/hollywoodlatenight/?fref=ts Enjoy! #Rocco #Moonlight