Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep39 - Say this 3x fast: "Tommy Bechtold Tells the Truth Teller Tantalizing Tales"



Join Rocco, "Jurassic Jen", and "Sarah Sunshine" as they embark on communicative greatness. The "Hollywood Late Night Hot Tub" is in full effect this episode with one ring of the infamous "doorbell". Special Guest; Actor, Comedian, fellow Improvisor as well as Rocco's softball buddy, Tommy Bechtold is in-studio. Amongst his many credits and accolades, you could say, Tommy is most notable for being a recurring Guest Star on ABS's, "The Middle", playing the role of "Kenny". Tommy and Rocco, both "big kids" at heart, share their affinity for kids for 30 minutes straight, and recognize the many kids in attendance. Tommy is the first HLN Special Guest to be the recipient of BOTH; "The Biggest Jerk-Off" and, "The Coolest Guy of the Week" awards. Tommy, a big comic-con nerd and lego geek, tells the cast how he could have ended up a teacher. God bless us all. Lot's of daytime drama led up to beginning of this show, where Jurassic Jen received a mysterious package at her front door. Rocco was first to blame! Will we f