Sweat Elite

#32 – German Silva



German Silva is a retired Mexican Olympic distance runner, winner of the 1994 and 1995 New York City Marathon and Mexican half marathon record holder (60:28). Silva made a name for himself after his dramatic 1994 New York City Marathon victory. With under a mile remaining, Silva was running stride for stride with co-leader and training partner Benjamin Paredes. As the pair ran through Central Park, the camera car veered right, pulling off the course and Silva followed. Silva calmly turned around when he realised his mistake, mustering the strength to regain the pace he had been setting, and set about reeling in the twelve second handicap he had just given himself. Silva timed his surge perfectly and passed Paredes with only about 100m remaining to claim his first World Major Marathon victory. This win changed a lot of things for German, it also earned him the moniker ‘Wrong Way Silva’. In this episode we share a conversation Sweat Elite’s Tait Hearps has with German Silva covering: * German’s journey i