Gary On Manufacturing - Gary Mintchell

159 - All About Connections



When I left magazine media, I thought about where the industry was heading. It's all about connections, I thought. So, I found a domain name The Manufacturing Connection. Last week I was at the Industry of Things conference in San Diego. Organized from Berlin, Germany, they still attracted an outstanding speaker lineup and attendance at 2-3 times that of typical media conferences in the space. They work hard at it, and they have cultivated lots of connections. This podcast discusses the idea of  connections from that conference. It also explores the idea of "sources go direct" where anyone can take a message to the public these days. You don't need a gatekeeper. Maybe you connect with people like me to reach a broader audience. Individuals and marketers with energy and ability can build their own audiences and avoid getting misquoted by reporters or having a 60-minute interview boiled down to a sentence in an article.