Dead Pundits Society

Ep. 14: Foreign Policy Blowback: After Manchester w/ Max Blumenthal



Joining me this week to contextualize the terrorist attack in Manchester is Max Blumenthal. He reveals that the so-called "War on Terror" is paradoxically spawning a far-right, reactionary form of Islamism that is being wielded by foreign intelligence services to spawn proxy armies to be used in the service of destabilizing enemy regimes. The left must wrap its head around the imperial roots of the latest wave of Islamic extremism in order to change our disastrous foreign policy and effectively face down the inevitable Islamaphobia and xenophobia coming from the right. Max Blumenthal is senior editor of the Grayzone Project at Alternet. His latest article is titled "The Manchester Bombing Is Blowback from the West’s Disastrous Interventions and Covert Proxy Wars": Max mentions a couple book during the interview: -Ahmed Rashid, Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia -John Cooley, Unholy Wars: Afghanistan,