Dead Pundits Society

Ep. 24: Universal Basic Income and Left Politics w/ David Bush



Joining me to talk about the debates surrounding Universal Basic Income (UBI) is David Bush, a labor organizer, and writer from Toronto, Canada. He talks about the pilot project for Basic Income being tried out by the Ontario government, as well as other real world cases of UBI that have fallen far short of achieving social gains for poor and working class people. Does the future consist of cool robots and UBI for all? Probably not. Tune in to hear all about the political impasses of UBI for the left. We discuss types of Basic Income, real world pilot projects and policy proposals, automation, the future of work and union strategy, the nature of the capitalist state, and much more. We mention several articles in the show. Most of them can be found in David's excellent collection of articles related to UBI: "Basic Income: A Critical Reader": Much of what we discuss, along with cited sources, can be found in David's article, "B