Dead Pundits Society

Ep. 35: Whiteness, Racial Bias & the Left w/ Jesse Singal



Joining me this week to talk about whiteness, racism, and the left is Jesse Singal. Jesse is a contributing writer for New York Magazine and the Daily Intelligencer Blog. Continuing DPS’s longstanding theme of anti-essentialism, we discuss the way in which a homogeneous “whiteness” is used to poorly explain the outbreak of mass shootings. In the latter half of the interview, we discuss the themes in Jesse’s upcoming book, namely the intersection of social psychology, TED Talk culture, and social justice. Find some of Jesse’s relevant writings here: 

-“Whiteness Doesn’t Cause Mass Shootings,”

 -“Psychology’s Favorite Tool for Measuring Racism Isn’t Up to the Job,” ***Join the Dead Pundits Society to support the new left agenda and gain access to all of the subscriber-only content:*** ——————————- Soundcloud: