Dead Pundits Society

Birth Strike: Socialism and the Women's Movement in 2019 w/ Jenny Brown



Joining us this week to take us back to the materialist, class struggle roots of the women’s movement is Jenny Brown, National Women’s Liberation organizer and former editor of Labor Notes. In this episode, we discuss her important new book, Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight Over Women’s Work, and how it relates to the growing socialist wave in the United States and beyond. 

 Jane Slaughter of Labor Notes had this to say about the book: 
“An astute analysis of power relations not only in the sphere of reproduction but also in the worlds of work, immigration, and government policy as they bear on women's ability to control their bodies. She illuminates the historical context of the writings of Marx and Malthus, the crusades of Comstock, and recurring elite pleas for women to supply more workers and soldiers. Brown lays bare why U.S. women who want to be mothers, and those who don't, have it far worse here than in Europe. Then she tells us how to change that.” 
 -Buy the book here: