Lets Ask The Angels!

Weekly Angel Messages for April 25th to May 2nd: Shaktipat Heart Connection



JOIN MY FREE ZOOM ANGEL CIRCLE APRIL 29TH  7PM ET. REGISTRATION BELOW: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEudu6rrjktGNJ5kVq3Yk1sYrRZ9SVOd6S2 A one hour community gathering for a healing meditation on the 12 chakras, angel card reading for the group and more.  Welcome to my show  Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio!  I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel Intuitive and Life Coach of  www.bcalvanocoaching.com Join me for my next  LIVE show or on replay Saturday April  25th  2020  4pm ET, 1 pm PT  Call in for a FREE reading, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming  messages for the week and be  taking your listener calls for readings. The  weekly  message is from the White Light Oracle by Alana Fairchild. Hope to have you join me! Angel light and love, Barbara Join my free Zoom Angel Circle.  Details will be emailed out. Subscibe at my website to be updated with details.  For FREE resources and to stay updated on radio shows, events, Fac