Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Guided Meditation To Heal The Planet on 4/4 Portal



"On April 4, 2020 a tremendous Astrological Portal will open, through which humanity can unite through meditation. The power that we will have at our disposal on APRIL 4th is truly Astronomical in the most literal sense when the planets of Jupiter and Pluto come together in the sky that day! A Mass Meditation called “Ascension Timeline Meditation” is being organized for April 4, 2020 at exactly 10:45 pm EST (eastern standard time U.S.) for 20 minutes and we need you to help us mobilize the greatest army of meditators this world has ever seen!" This meditation was guided by lightworkers who are calling on one million people to meditate towards the intention of healing and raising the vibration. Research has shown with mass groups of people come together and meditate towards one intention the energy shifts big time! Join me and many others to set a powerful intention during this portal.  Follow me on Instagram for more info https://www.instagram.com/hannahlholladay/