Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Heart Brain Connection - Unlock Your Manifesting Abilities Meditation



When we connect the brain and the heart we start to see and know the truth as well as unlock our ability to manifest our true heart's desires. "With the intention or thought acting as the electrical charge, and the feeling or emotion acting as a magnetic charge, this is how we change our energy­—and when we change our energy, we change our life." - Dr. Joe Dispenza  This meditation will connect your pineal gland (your third eye or connection to your spirit) and your heart. When these two come together it's a perfect time to visualize what you want to manifest.  You can also use this meditation if you are getting too lost in the mind.  https://www.instagram.com/stories/hannahlholladay/ Follow me on Insta for more! Email me at hholladay@gmail.com to book a session or inquire about working together.