Coming Forward

Telling Our Story



Extending a warm and kind thank you to this very special guest. Thank you for making ASCA possible, this podcast possible and so much more. Thank you for being support for so many. Thank you for all that you do behind the scenes. We all deeply appreciate you.  -- Please feel free to write in and share feedback. It can be general or related to a specific episode. Please note, if you have something you want discussed related to the next topic (self soothing), we are recording on Tuesday (4/2) evening so please send before then so we can include within the conversation component after the presenters share.  -- Reading material below:  Perhaps the single most powerful aspect concerning our recovery process, especially during Stage One recovery, is the telling of our story. Our "story" usually includes 1) the circumstances surrounding our abuse, 2) the factual details of the various incidents of abuse, (physical, sexual and/or emotional), 3) the experiences of family and elders responding and/or not